Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 28,2014

Learning Target: Learn from your mistakes.
BR(8) What is the difference between Law of Conservation of Mass and Law of Conservation of Energy? 
1. Go over Test
2. Go over Open Responses
3. Correct Tests MC and OR's
H.W. Study for RetakesTuesday

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 27, 2014

Learning Target: I will apply my knowledge of energy
BR(7) What is the difference between a series circuit and a parallel circuit?
1. Test over Energy
H.W. Study for test Retakes if needed 

Monday, February 24, 2014

February 25, 2014

Learning Target: I will be able to apply my knowledge of energy 
BR(6) How does energy flow work?
Hot to cold or Cold to Hot
1. CPS Energy Review
H.W. Study for your Test Wednesday 

Friday, February 21, 2014

February 24,2014

Learning Target:I will be able to apply my knowledge of energy.
BR(5) Name two energy transfers in a car or bike.
1. Energy video
2. Review
H.W.Test on Wednesday - STUDY!! 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 21, 2014

Learning Target: I will understand that all 5 forms of energy can be converted from one form to another
BR(4) Define the Law of Conservation of Energy?
1. Demo a Radiometer
2. pg 12,13 Energy Transfers
3. Energy Round Up handout
H.W. Study Test next week on Wednesday 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 20,2014

Learning Target:I will be able to identify the 5 forms of energy. 
BR(3) What is nuclear energy?
1. Read Section  on Nuclear Energy 
2. Draw a picture of how nuclear energy or electrical energy works
3. Make a list of pros and cons of nuclear energy
H.W. Study test next week on Wednesday

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 19,2014

Learning Target: I will be able to identify the 5 forms of energy.
BR(1) What is electricity?
1. Do notes on electricity
2. Smart board series and parallel  circuits- Draw a picture of each
3. Chick circuits
4. Batteries with waste cans
H.W. Study for your test next WEDNESDAY over Energy  and supplies

Monday, February 17, 2014

February 18,2014

Learning Target: I will understand and be able to identify the 3 ways that heat transfers
BR(2) What is heat equilibrium?
1. Save the Cube Lab Directions pg 206
2. Write the Conclusions
H.W. Finish any and all parts of the lab

Friday, February 14, 2014

February 17,2014

Learning Target: I will be able to identify how energy that powers the earth systems or cycles comes from the sun or inside the earth.
BR(25) Name the 3 types of heat transfer and define them.
1. Colorful bottle demonstration pg 9
2. pg 206 Design and brainstorm for Save the Cube Lab 
H.W. Supplies

Thursday, February 13, 2014

February 13,2014

Learning Target: goal setting 
BR()- none 
1. Mrs.Gullett speaks to class es in the library about MAP testing results
H.W. pg 7,8 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

February 14, 2014

Learning Target: I will  understand the Law of Conservation of Energy.
BR(24) What is the difference between conservation and conversion.
1. Go over pg 7,8 
2. Read Conservation of Energy pg 138-141
3. Read pg 14,15 article
H.W. None 

February 12, 2014

Learning Target:I will be able to identify the five forms of energy. 
BR(23) Name the 5 types of energy.
1. Go over H.W. pg 3
2. Pg 4,5  Nature of Energy
3. Demo 
Hot Air Balloon
Hand boilers
Lava Lamp
4. Read pg 162-168 
H.W. pg 7, 8  Heat Transfer 

February 11, 2014

Learning Target: I will understand what is energy?
BR(22) What is energy? 
1. Hand back Test Retakes
2. Hand back Booklets 
3. Read pg 124-131 on What is Energy?
4. Read pg 1,2 of notes
H.W. pg 3 Potential and Kinetic Energy 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6, 2014

Learning Target: Learn from your mistakes.
BR(21) What goes on the X axis?
1. Test Retakes
2.Read Section 2 Scientific Method pg 72-78
3. Answer the questions on pg 79 1-9
4. Go over answers 
H.W. None 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 4, 2014

Learning Target: I will learn from my mistakes.
BR(20) What does compare and contrast mean?
1. Handback Multiple Choice
2. Handback Open Responses
3. Go over MC and Open Responses
4.Handout New booklets
5.Correct wrong answers
Homework: Test Retakes on Wednesday